Danland is my third theme that I contributed to Drupal.org, and when this article was created, Danland is the most popular theme I have ever made. Danland was inspired by one of website design by Maksimer.
At first release, Danland not include features such as image slideshow, superfish menu and pngFix. And at the next versions, I integrate the jQuery plugins to add functionality to Danland.
In less than two months, Danland already used more than 1000 websites. Here are the features of Danland:
- 1, 2 or 3 column layout
- Tableless design for SEO
- 17 collapsible block regions
- Superfish drop-down menu (2, 3 or more nested levels)
- Built-in image slideshow (the frontpage wide image banner)
- Built-in IE transparent PNG fix
- Custom front page
- Wide image banner 950x355px. You can replace with your own photo for custom look
- CSS 2.1 and XHTML 1.0 validated
- User picture in profile, comments and post
- Primary links and secondary links
- Supports custom logo and favicon
- Support features like site name, slogan, mission.
- Custom login and logout
- Heading H1 optimization for SEO
- Support for local.css
- CiviCRM friendly
- Complete online documentation