Comment Fragment: Rewrite and Redirect Comment Permalink

A few days ago I releasing new module to rewrite and redirect the comment permalink to use a fragment for SEO purposes. The default Drupal 7 comment [...]

March 10, 2013 · 1 min · danpros

Check if checkbox field is checked (Drupal 7 theming)

Recently, I need the following features for one of client Drupal 7 site: There is one content type that requires option to change the layout just by [...]

February 15, 2013 · 1 min · danpros

Embed a view inside a node in Drupal 7

We can embed a view created by Views module inside a node in Drupal 7 with just some short code. Here is the code: <?php [...]

January 15, 2013 · 1 min · danpros

Top Ten Free Professional Drupal Themes

Drupal has an amazing and clean code. Support of social networking, multimedia, SSL, event calenders, document management, blogging, forums, [...]

January 10, 2013 · 4 min · danpros

Creating custom user login page in Drupal 7

Maybe sometimes we want a custom style for our Drupal login page, different with the existing default login page in Drupal 7, whether it's for a [...]

January 04, 2013 · 1 min · danpros

Creating responsive Drupal theme (Simplified)

There are various ways to create a responsive Drupal theme, one of them is using template_preprocess_html() function in template.php. First create [...]

October 25, 2012 · 1 min · danpros

Releasing simple Drupal module: Reform

At least now I do not need to creating custom module to get this simple feature. Reform: sometimes we want something simple, such as setting up the [...]

July 25, 2012 · 1 min · danpros

Creating custom user registration form in Drupal 7

Creating custom user registration form sometimes can be a little tricky, but lets try to create a custom registration form in Drupal 7 with just a [...]

July 09, 2012 · 1 min · danpros

Send data and read JSON string from URL (HTTP Request)

Some time ago I need to creating a Webform where visitors need to fill in the data required before they can download a specific file. So the order is [...]

July 03, 2012 · 2 min · danpros

A Drupal based web directory

For one week, on the sidelines of my free time, I tried something new by creating a web directory using Drupal. After doing some research, I finally [...]

February 18, 2012 · 1 min · danpros