There are many ways that we can do to attract attention of the reader or visitor, one of which is to create an attractive appearance on our website. Of course, the content of our website is the most important thing, attractive appearance but is not balanced with useful content for our readers is also a vain thing.

One of the things you can do to enhance the appearance of your website is to add a slideshow, can include articles, images or videos. In Drupal website, you do not need to add it manually using jQuery plugins like Cycle because there is a module that provides this slideshow feature, you just download and install it.

There are many modules are available at that you can use, you simply select and customize to your needs. Here are some module that is intended to create a slideshow:

  • Slideshow. The Slideshow module transforms images attached to an article into a JavaScript enabled slideshow. Any article can have a slideshow. This slideshow can be placed above, below or within the content of the page.
  • Views Slideshow. Views Slideshow can be used to create a slideshow of any content that can appear in a Views. The possibilities are really endless, as the more ways you can think of to categorize and add to views, the more you can rotate.
  • Ajax Slideshow. This Ajax Slideshow can show a series of content items as slides using transition effect. And Allow the user to navigate across slides using tabs and/or navigational buttons.

Slideshow is a feature that could be considered severe, a lot of resources to be taken when we use this feature, you must use it wisely. If you want to create an image slideshow, first compress the image you want to use for faster loading.