Zynga using Drupal

Zynga, I am familiar with this company when I played one game made by them "Mafia Wars". And if you are fans of the "FarmVille" [...]

Drupal 7.9 released!

Drupal community released Drupal 7.9, the latest release is mainly to fix bugs found in the OpenID and some other small bugs. Apart from bug fixes [...]

PayPal and eBay using Drupal

After previously Twitter using Drupal now X.commerce which is the developer community of PayPal, eBay and Magento also using Drupal and follow many [...]

Drupal 7.8 released!

Drupal 7.8 released and available for download worldwide. The Drupal 7.8 is a maintenance release that contains many bug fixes, and no security fixes [...]

Create your first Drupal module using a module building helper

Today I found an interesting Drupal module, Module Builder. This module will generates a skeleton for a module with hints on how to fill it, very [...]

Add jQuery pngFix into Danland 7.x

To fix PNG transparency in Windows Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6, Danland 6.x use jQuery pngFix by Andreas Eberhard, for the 7.x version of the Danland [...]

Metropolis 6.x-1.3 and Metropolis 7.x-1.2 released

Today we releasing Metropolis 6.x-1.3 and Metropolis 7.x-1.2. This release intended to fix the JS problems that causing some modules not working [...]

Energy.gov using Drupal

Drupal is very popular among government, many government websites using Drupal such as WhiteHouse.gov, Commerce.gov, and others. Not just among [...]

Bluemarine Drupal theme

If you ever used Drupal 6 you must know with the Bluemarine theme which is one of a few theme that included with Drupal 6. And for users of Drupal 7, [...]

Country specific domain that are treats as generic

With more and more websites are created, then the Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) such as .com, .net, or .org that are nice, short and in [...]