Creating Drupal custom search

It has become the hallmark of Drupal if the search submit button is located on the right side. The search on Drupal actually can be made arbitrarily, [...]

Drupal 7 RC1

Perhaps the most eagerly awaited lately by the users of Drupal is the Drupal 7 RC1. If Drupal 7 has reached RC version, then: The API is frozen.All [...]

Slideshow for your Drupal site

There are many ways that we can do to attract attention of the reader or visitor, one of which is to create an attractive appearance on our website. [...]

Choose a custom Drupal theme with caution

The needs for Drupal developers and Drupal theme makers seem to continue to increase from year to year. This is in line with the growing popularity [...]

Drupal starter themes

To facilitate the development of a theme, sometimes we need a starter theme for accelerating the development process, especially if we have a limited [...]

Know the popularity of modules and themes before using it

Prior to select the module or theme, there is much to consider. One who deserves to consider is the amount of usage of the module or theme we want to [...]

Stop spam on Drupal based site

Overcoming spam in Drupal website is a work that is sometimes quite time-consuming. Spam also increases caused by the search engines like Google with [...]

Save your server by enabling page cache on Drupal website

In Drupal, there is a very useful feature to reduce the load on the server every time there are anonymous visitors coming, the feature is page cache. [...]

Drupal 7 beta 3 released!

After zero critical bugs, the Drupal 7 beta 3 released. This is a buzz for almost Drupal users. With zero critical bugs, the final release of Drupal [...]

Simpler 6.x-2.1 and Drupal 7 version of Simpler theme released!

Today I'm releasing Simpler 6.x-2.1 and Simpler 7.x-1.0-beta1. I'm chasing the D7 version of this theme so the time release gap between [...]